An Introduction: Trauma Sensitive Practices that Support Healing
This training is an introduction to trauma and it's impact on our brains, bodies and behaviour! Watch our video below to see what this course entails. Read further to understand why understanding Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences is important for everyone, specifically, those who work with, or care for young children.
Learning Outcomes - What We Hope to Achieve
- Increase knowledge and understanding of Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
- Increase understanding of how Trauma and ACES impact on engagement and behaviour
- Integrate theory on Trauma and ACES into practice (practical strategies)
- Understand the impact of secondary trauma and the significance of self-care
Why is Learning about Trauma Important for Everyone?
Childhood Trauma has been named our nation's single most important public health challenge. If we know how trauma and toxic stress affects a persons overall development, health, well-being and behaviour, we are able to offer approaches, strategies and learning opportunities that meet their needs.
Every day, children enter our spaces with their bags, books and unique experiences of the world. Every child has their own expectations which are formed at home, school and within their communities. When children witness violence between their adult caregivers, abuse or neglect, they can enter our spaces believing that the world is an unsafe and threatening place to be.

Our job is to ensure that children and young adults attending our spaces feel safe and secure. We do this by meeting their basic needs first. This course provides practical strategies and theoretical applications to help adults implement practices that support healing.
How to Purchase Your Certificate